Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Sexy Anna Khait (Survivor: Kaoh Rong)

It's unfortunate that Anna, a professional poker player, did not win "Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty" 2 or we may have seen the opening of the long-awaited Khait Casino, which promises patrons a little of the ol' "Liqueur Up Front, Poker In the Rear." That was a long way to go for a pretty bad joke, but I'm willing to go even further for a glimpse of Anna's Two Pair. I mean, look at this woman! Her Survivor pictures are almost as sexy as her underwear ads.

Click on image to enlarge.

Now, there were rumors floating around the Survivor online community that Anna was doing live nude shows from her website (I'd buy that right now!), but that has yet to be substantiated. What we do know is that the lovely Ms. Khait sold her game-worn clothes, including her dirty underwear and swimsuit bottoms, on eBay. I say "dirty" - she says "washed in sea water" most likely while she was wearing them on her kucha tribe. It's nice that it was sold for charity and if that is your kink, who am I to judge?'s kinda nasty. But, hey, we like nasty around here. Word is that Anna's dirty panties went for over $300.

Most of these sexy Anna photos can be found right on her website, and you can see her more current pics at Instagram and Twitter. But, really...those island photos are arguably still the best.

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